Monday, December 9, 2013

Why Write?

   Our need for communion ...  our wish to be heard ...  our song to the other ...  ? 

   What is it that has us scribbling or tapping or chiseling away?

   We are relational beings, yes?  What happens when the sky suddenly bursts into startling patterns of color and light at sunset? What happens when we catch an unexpected glimpse of a full white moon rising above the treeline?  After we gasp in awe, don't we want to share it with someone else?  Don't we want to point and say, "Look!" and feel the visceral response of a companion and then the inner flood of warmth at having been the one to point?

   Yes, we are relational beings. We point.  We paint. We write, ... hoping to touch and be touched in return.  Exchange.  We thrive on it, flourish because of it, enrich each others' lives by being in relation to ...  . 

   There has to be another being on the other side of that ellipsis.  Yes?

   And so, dear friends, I remind you once again.  Stop with this keeping it to yourself.  Stop saying you have no time to write while the words pile up inside you. Find your favorite pen. Find your fingers on the keyboard. Find an empty space on the canyon wall. Put what you have to share out there so the other can find it, ... read it, ... be touched by it. 
   What you have to say matters.  We other relational beings out here need your words, your thoughts, your paintings, your poems, your pieces of truth ... 

   Seat of the pants to the seat of the chair.

   Not some day. 





  1. Thanks Mary Lou for this reminder! :)

  2. Thanks, Mary Lou,
    And with the change of the new year, and weather confining at times, can open the door to the process... get back to writing daily.
