Sunday, August 5, 2012

Seat to the Seat ...

[NOTE:  This is not meant just for writers but for all "creatives."  You know who you are.]

  In my last post, I offered suggestions for making writing a priority in your life.  Second on that list was:  "Adopt the mantra: seat of the pants to the seat of the chair."  I ask you now, "Have you?"  Have you begun to chant or at least think about this phrase?  Have you applied it to your writing (creative) life?  Have you put the seat of your pants to the seat of your chair?
  I would guess that your seat is on the seat right now as you read this.  So, I take this opportunity to suggest that you remain seated and write (create).  NOW.
  In order to be read or, dream of all dreams, be published, you have to first write something. You have to have something for your readers to read and your publisher to print.  Right? So, stop talking about the book or story or poem that's in you. And, by all means, stop talking about how you don't have the time to write it.  Stop putting it off until that elusive "someday" when all conditions will be in alignment. Just put your butt to the chair and write something, ... anything. Even if it's only a sentence.  Even if it's only a phrase, an image, a fragment, or a whisp.  Even if it's only a word.  Write it down. 
  And come back tomorrow and sit again.  Write again.  No excuses.  No judgements.  No kidding. It's what writers do.
  Remember my first suggestion? ...  Say outloud, "I am a writer.  Therefore, I write."  The question is, "Are you?"   And if so, "Do you?"


  1. This is great Mary Lou. A nice motivator. I have to say how much I love the desk too!

    I am a writer. I now need to write something that is not clinical. I've been writing for my reversing type 2 diabetes project and it has sucked the creative life right out of me .

    Thank you for the reminder that, I do indeed, enjoy writing.

  2. Energize! Ignite! and Blast Off!
    Your words and encouragement is always a touchstone for me. Thank YOU!

  3. Thanks for the motivation, Mary Lou. And I love that desk!
